15 February 2012

Pulau Payar ♥!

Hari tu pi pulau payar with my friends. Best awesome and love it. Tengok ikan jerung lagiii. So comel. Kiteorang mandi/snorkelling dekat sana. Nampak macam macam dalam laut. Batu karang..ikan and more.. Baru tahu betapa indahnya ciptaan Allah. Subhanallah. Syukur kepada Allah kan. First tu takut then nasibla ada (abg-abg) tolong ajaq. Takut resah gementar and so sbb first time kot snorkelling. Buat housework sama. Like potong sayur and cuci pinggan. Hahaha. Kalau dok rumah.. mesti dah takbuat. Opss~
Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
Rajinnye diorang potong ikan. Ehh boleh kawin dah.

Aina Nisya. She's so pretty

With the photographer for this trip, Fatin Nabilah 

Gang-gang beraksi **

Timun laut. Hehe Syazni si Timun~
*Fish fish fish*
Pungut kaca. Banyak kot.

Emilia, si Duyung
With org puteh. Nampak macam aku anak depa ja -,-

Shark I love you....

Can you see the shark? It's so amazing. I saw the bigger one, Hoho I'm not afraid with but but I love them. We have fun there. And hope that we can be there together again! Nice trip with love. Then balik exam okay -,-